Karen Anderson - Engineering Technician

Karen brings over 25 years of experience working in the forest industry. She graduated from B.C.I.T in 1996 with a Renewable Resources Diploma of Technology. She has experience performing road location layout, Level II/III road surveying, road construction/deactivation prescriptions and construction costing, geometric road design (RoadEng) and design reviews, road and cutblock layout and development, and GPS surveying. She has worked closely with Softree implementing LiDAR data into geometric road designs and improving software to meet client requirements. She also has experience in mine reclamation projects, heavy equipment supervision for gravel pit development, and digital mapping using ArcGIS and MicroStation. Karen is the Occupational Health and Safety Representative for Sitkum, and leads the way in assuring Sitkum remains a SAFE Certified Company as per the BC Forestry Safety Council standards and regulations.

Jennifer Sabean

Jeremy Major

Caitlin Tatham

Flo Lanouette

Paige Fischer

Rory McLeod

Della Peterson

Karen Anderson

Danika Swift

D. Karassowitsch

Gary Shannon

Wayne Miller

Tedd Robertson

Marc Deschênes

Olindo Chiocca

Jen Shypitka

Owen Scott