Jen Shypitka, P.Geo. - Geoscientist

Jen is professional geoscientist that has specialized in terrain mapping, slope stability, and geomorphology since graduation from U.B.C. in 1995. With experience initially gained working under Dr. June Ryder, P.Geo., Jen has worked on a wide range of mapping projects across the province, including bioterrain, slope stability and erosion potential, geohazard, and soils. She has mapped over 1.5 million hectares and worked with numerous professionals in the fields of ecology, wildlife biology and engineering. Jen also works on Terrain Stability Assessment projects in a team work approach by providing air photo interpretation, LiDAR product interpretation, field assessment, background research, and reporting. 

Jen was asked to provide input to the 1996 draft Field Manual for Describing Terrestrial Ecosystems which became the basis for the current standard document, and in 2015 was asked to review and comment on existing terrain inventory standards for the B.C. Ministry of Environment. In 2017, Jen was asked to identify gaps in existing environmental assessment policy for the B.C. Ministry of Environment with respect to provincial government submission standards.

Jennifer Sabean

Jeremy Major

Caitlin Tatham

Flo Lanouette

Della Peterson

Karen Anderson

Danika Swift

D. Karassowitsch

Gary Shannon

Wayne Miller

Tedd Robertson

Marc Deschênes

Olindo Chiocca

Jen Shypitka

Owen Scott

Paige Fischer

Rory McLeod